Please consider making a gift online today! | |
Equal Justice Matters Update (E-Newsletter) People with resources have always had access to civil, legal help but vulnerable, poor, and other under-served people have fewer places to turn. That’s where Neighborhood Legal Services comes in. This summer, there are several easy ways to support NLS and the work it does to provide free, civil legal aid to those in need. | |
 | Golf, Bocce and Support for NLS Support NLS by spending a day outside with friends and colleagues. Register now for the ACBA Golf & Bocce Tournaments benefitting Neighborhood Legal Services and the Allegheny Couny Bar Foundation. Enjoy a game of bocce, a round of golf or contribute an in-kind donation for an auction. Over 150 attorneys, judges and supporters are expected to attend this year’s tournament. To buy tickets or find out more, visit ACBA Golf & Bocce Tournaments. If you are unable to attend, consider participating in the online auction and bid on featured items including family travel and entertainment options, jewelry, and electronics. | | |  | Critical Needs Day - Save the August 9th Date On Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022, The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County will host a Critical Needs Alert online giving event to support needs and the safety net of essential human services in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties. This year’s Critical Needs Alert — #ONEDAY — will take place online at on Aug. 9, from 8 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Show your support for NLS. | | | |
Online Shopping is Another Easy Way to Support NLS It only takes a couple extra steps to donate $$ from your purchase to support the mission of NLS. Check out these easy ways to make your purchase count: AmazonSmile - Support equal justice every time you shop on Amazon by selecting NLS as your charity of choice. Paypal Giving Fund - Donate directly to NLS via paypal and/or add a donation to each transaction. Target Circle - NLS is featured in Target Circle this summer, place a vote for us to share in a grant! | | |  | Partnerships to Prevent Evictions and Foreclosures NLS has always looked to innovative partnerships and to share resources and expertise. The Eviction Prevention Ecosystem is a collaboration of RentHelpPGH, Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation, Community Justice Project, Just Mediation Pittsburgh and other community-based organizations to address the eviction and foreclosure crisis and to help individuals and families stay in their homes. To learn more about our goals for a comprehensive eviction prevention system, click here. RentHelpPGH serves as the coordinated entry portal for the collaborative. If you are facing eviction or foreclosure of your home and in need of legal assistance, you can apply online for legal help through NLS. | | |  | NLS Launches Community Engagement Initiative Building awareness and engagement with NLS services is the goal of the organization’s new Community Engagement position. By building relationships with community members and partners, NLS hopes to expand its community education efforts around legal literacy topics. For organizations interested in hosting a presentation by NLS, contact Bethany Bray at the NLS Community Engagement office. | | | |
NLS PROVIDES ESSENTIAL, FREE CIVIL LEGAL AID TO THOSE IN NEED. To learn how you can volunteer, support or stay informed about the organization, visit NLS. | |